International meeting in the honor of

Yves Couder (1941-2019)

Paris Sciences et Lettres*/Université de Paris-Cité

Tuesday, 4th June 2024-Amphithéâtre Buffon,

15 rue Hélène Brion Paris 75013

Université de Paris-Cité @Grands Moulins


8:30-9:00        Registration and Coffee


Session I                      Yves Couder Legacy

9:00-9:15        Introduction Laurent Limat and Martine Ben Amar


9:15-9:45        Keith Moffatt

9 :45-10 :15    Françoise Argoul

10:15-10:45    Albert Libchaber


10:45-11:00    Break   


11:00-11:30    Stéphane Douady

11:30-12:00    Bruno Andreotti

12:00-12:30    Yves Pomeau


12:30-14:00    Lunch 


Session II      Biological Morphogenesis

14:00-14:30    Mingming Wu

14:30-15:00    Etienne Couturier

15:00-15h30   Yasmine Meroz


15:30-15:45    Break


15:45-17:45    Selected abstracts


18h00             Reception at Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes


Wednesday, 5th June, 2024-Amphithéâtre Buffon,

Université de Paris @Grands Moulins


8:30-9:00        Coffee and gathering


Session III      Hydrodynamics and instabilities

9:00-9:30        Anke Lindner

9:30-10:00      Vincent Hakim

10:00-10:30    Elsa Bayart


10:30-10:45     Break


10:45-11:15    Hamid Kellay

11:15-11:45    Anne Juel

11:45-12:15    Suzie Protière


12:15-14:00     Lunch- Installation of the Posters


Session IV     Turbulence

14:00-14:30    Laurette Tuckerman

14:30-15:00    Bérangère Dubrulle

15:00-15:30     Daniel Bonn


15:30-15:45     Coffee break


15:45-18: 00   Poster session



Thursday 6th June 2024

Amphithéâtre Jaurès 45 rue d’Ulm Paris 75005

Ecole Normale Supérieure–PSL*



8:30-9:00      Coffee and gathering


Session V     Walking droplets

9:00-9:30       Emmanuel Fort

9:30-10:00     John Bush

10:00-10:30   Thomas Bohr


10:30-10:45     Break


Session V I     New avenues in non-linear physics  

10:45-11:15     Itamar Procaccia

11:15-11h45    Herbert Levine

11h45-12h15   Antonin Eddi (+1)



12:15-14:00    Lunch


Session VI     New avenues in non-linear physics

14:00-14:30    Masaki Sano

14:30-15:00    Ludovic Pauchard

15:00-15:30    Arezki Boudaoud


15:30-15:45    Break


16:15-17:45    Selected abstracts


18h00              Reception at the Laboratoires de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure


Friday 7th June 2024 Amphithéâtre Jaurès

Ecole Normale Supérieure–PSL*



8:30-9 :00       Coffee and gathering


Session VII    New avenues in non-linear physics

9:00-9:30       Ray Goldstein

9:30-10:00      Jay Fineberg

10:00-10:30     Stephan Fauve


10:30-10:45    Break


10:45-11:15    Boris Shraiman

11:15-11:45     Linda Cummings

11:45-12h15    Nicolas Vandewalle


12:30-14:00    Lunch


Session VIII   New avenues in non-linear physics

14:00-14:30    Alain Goriely

14:30-15:00    Stéphane Perrard

15:00-15:30     Dann Harris


15:30-15:45     Break    




15:45-16:45    Selected abstracts


Closing conference

16:45-17:30    Mathias Fink



Amphithéâtre Buffon is located 15 rue Hélène Brion Paris 75013. Métro, bus, RER François Mitterrand.

Amphithéâtre Jaurès is located 45 rue d’Ulm, Paris 75005, Métro Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge or Censier Daubenton, RER Luxembourg.